"All Sheep, Report To The Principal’s Office!"
There’s a high school in Montana where kids played a prank that completely frustrated the faculty. We won’t name the school because they’re already embarrassed enough without being identified.
Students, who remain unknown by authorities to this day, somehow obtained live sheep for their prank. The idea must have been nurtured by the much-viewed mattress commercial with the numbered sheep wandering about.
Late one Sunday night an unknown number of students spray-paint numbers on the sides of each of the sheep and then place the gentle creatures at various locations throughout the school.
The clever students are able to circumvent school security, because no alarms are sounded. Everything on the campus appears completely normal as school faculty and staff begin arriving Monday morning.
It’s not long before there’s the report from a science teacher of a sheep in one of her labs on the second floor. The sheep has the number two spray painted on its side. A short time later the librarian makes a frantic report of a sheep with the number one painted on its side roaming among the stacks.
It’s not until the principal arrives and unlocks his office that sheep number four is spotted—behind the big guy’s desk. Okay, so the staff has now located sheep numbers, one, two, and four. What about sheep number three?
The staff checks everywhere. The custodian even climbs up into the bell tower expecting to find sheep number three. Nothing.
By the time school is dismissed at 3:00 p.m. sheep number three is still among the missing. The sad fact is, sheep number three hasn’t been found to this day — and it’s been six months since the day of the infamous deed.
You don’t suppose...? No, the students would do a thing like that. Not to their faculty friends!
Copyright-Bob Ford 2008